On behalf of Tekniska Verken in Kiruna, Sigholm is leading the implementation of SSG safety training for employees and contractors on the site.
The need to digitise systems and organisations is hardly new. Nor is it new that energy companies are one of these organisations. But what the journey looks like in terms of needs, methods and managem...
Sigholm fick förtroendet att under en period axla rollen som fastighetschef för Svenska Kraftnät. I rollen ingick personalansvaret för enhetens anställda och konsulter, ansvar för verkets inhyrda loka...
The energy crisis and record high electricity prices are changing the way we look at energy use and access. In Europe, energy has gone from being easily accessible and cheap to being difficult to acce...
Dagens Industri has asked our energy strategist Arne Bergvik about the continued rise in electricity prices. Arne believes that the energy crisis is not quickly over, rather Russia seems to be escalat...
During 2019, Bodens Energi underwent a reorganisation and seized this opportunity to enhance their maintenance processes. To address this, Sigholm collaborated with Bodens Energi to develop and implem...
Looking ahead to 2030 and the major changes expected in the energy market, Borlänge Energi's CEO assessed that the organisation needed to be reviewed. This is because digitalisation will open up for a...
Sweden's largest district heating supplier has solid expertise and skilled staff to price district heating supplies and develop new services. However, they wanted external help to run their annual pri...
Under 2019 startade Sala kommun förberedelserna för att minska föroreningar i området kring Sala Silvergruva och Pråmån. Föroreningarna kommer från den historiska gruvbrytningen. Sigholm bistår sedan ...
New safety strategy at Bodens Energi - From lack of clear procedures to standardised safe shutdown and increased automation....
We have now had the pleasure of sharing knowledge and contributing to learning for four seasons. EnergiStrategiPodden is coming to an end and will soon take a Christmas break. ...
To conclude the third season of the EnergyStrategyPod, we bring together decision-makers and leaders in the energy industry, many of whom we have interviewed in the podcast, to discuss the market situ...
Sinfra, en inköpscentral för energibolag och samhällsnyttiga företag, ville undersöka anledningen till få avrop från sina medlemsföretag. Sigholms Design- och marknadsavdelning kopplades in och för at...
Mälarenergi identified a lack of a common thread in breaking down their group-wide strategy and scorecards to business areas, subsidiaries, and corporate functions. By strengthening the group's strate...
Like many regions in Sweden, Region Västmanland faced a desperate situation in March with an urgent need for protective equipment as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Sigholm had the competence, effi...
In March, we at Sigholm started a podcast, EnergiStrategiPodden. As an extension and conclusion of season 1, we have now created EnergiStrategiDagen - a digital debate forum with leading people from t...
A comprehensive feasibility study was conducted to replace a fossil fuel solution with a sustainable alternative for Skövde Energi's customers. With a solid technical and economic risk analysis, three...
Project management for the development of a feasibility study and project plan for Mälarenergi's Block 7 cogeneration plant. The assignment included the creation of premises for offices, changing room...
Mälarenergi needed to evaluate a solution to reduce odor issues associated with waste incineration. Sigholm was brought in to lead the project and conducted an extensive feasibility study. The outcome...
The project involved challenges that required careful planning and communication to solve logistical and technical problems. Through smooth dialogue and coordination, the challenge of transport routes...
Utvecklingen av Mälrarenergis Block 6 var en nödvänfig utveckling för både fortsatt möjlighet att fortsätta erbjuda fjärrvärme samt att kunna parera förändringar på bränslemarknaden. Som byggprojektle...
The City of Västerås, the Municipality of Köping and the Swedish Maritime Administration have entered into a strategic partnership under the project name Mälarprojektet. The aim of this collaboration ...
The Mälarenergi Group, in collaboration with Sigholm, carried out an extensive evaluation to find a new location for its headquarters. The aim was to bring all departments together in one central loca...
Mälarenergi faced a significant challenge as they needed to carry out renovation work on a cooling water culvert dating back to the 1970s, located beneath the harbour area. A large portion of the cons...
Production optimisation for increased transparency, financial and environmental savings and a shared view of the roadmap. Energisamarbete Väst implemented AbS and has noticed many benefits from the co...
Sedan juni 2019 står det nya badhuset, Nya Lögarängsbadet på plats i VästeråsMed erfarenhet och förståelse för hur stora och komplexa projekt leds tog vi oss an projektet med att agera projektchef för...
För att sprida medvetenhet kring avfallshantering och öka förståelsen för hur man kan jobba med spårbarhet och transparens i avfallshanteringen, togs en video fram....
Accident prevention and improved communication were key factors for ENA Energy during the decommissioning of plant components. Poor working practices and unsafe work permits for contractors were addre...
Certification of the workplace according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, followed by implementation of work methodology....
Following the interconnection of district heating networks, it became necessary for Köping and Arboga to merge into a joint organisation. This meant that there was a need to clarify the strategic dire...
Following a merger of two companies, restructuring and development of several tools and services were required. For example, the entire financial system needed to be changed in order to track costs ef...
Jun 12, 2024 | News | News & press
Vi är glada att återigen delta under Almedalsveckan, en av Sveriges viktigaste mötesplatser. I år kommer vi att engagera oss genom en rad åtaganden, däribland att moderera paneler och seminarier samt intervjua beslutsfattare och politiker i vår podcast, Energistrategipodden.Deltar du inte under Alme
May 30, 2024 | News
För tionde året i rad genomför Cinode en jämställdhetsstudie. Sigholm har tilldelats titeln "Jämställt konsultbolag" med 48% kvinnor i organisationen.
Nov 30, 2023 | News | News & press
In early 2024, the requirements for all large companies' sustainability reporting will be tightened, and most energy companies will be directly affected. The EU's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) will become Swedish law and will, among other things, give sustainability reporting t
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