On behalf of Tekniska Verken in Kiruna, Sigholm is leading the implementation of SSG safety training for employees and contractors on the site.
Contracts for Difference (CfD) have been discussed since the electricity price spikes of 2022. The tool as such is not new, but has been used for a long time in Europe to support new construction of w...
Since 2020, electricity prices have been much more volatile. This is because intermittent power generation is now a significant part of the European and Nordic electricity system. The increasing volat...
Last week, the District Heating Days 2024 (Fjärrvärmedagarna 2024) was organized, a conference that offers a helicopter perspective on the district heating industry's most important and strategic issu...
In response to the global energy crisis, Lysekil Municipality wanted to proactively prepare for future challenges. By enlisting the help of Sigholm for a time-limited effort, the municipality raised a...
In collaboration with Hemsö, we as project and construction managers have had the honor of being part of the creation of Fredriksberg preschool - an innovative children's paradise in Västerås....
Alltmer krafthandel sker bilateralt. Det märks på terminsmarknaden Nasdaq Commodities, där omsättningen på nordisk kraft förra året föll till 442 TWh. Det är det näst lägsta på åtminstone två decennie...
The accelerated transition of the energy system demands new capabilities and strategic shifts from actors in the energy sector. The assignment involved developing an environmental analysis of trends a...
Main project manager for VME's new boiler plant in Arboga, with final commissioning expected in Q4, 2024....
Sigholm is running a project to map the urban planning process for Strängnäs municipality. It is a complex process that includes many different municipal departments, competences, functions and roles....
Time to reinvent the spot price of electricity? Today, producers, traders and consumers feel that the spot price for electricity is outdated. The day-ahead market does not reflect the reality we are a...
Söderenergi arbetar sedan 2020 med att bygga en bioCCS-anläggning på Igelstaverket i Södertälje. Sigholm leder projektet hos Söderenergi i rollen som huvudprojektledare och deltar även som delprojektl...
Linde Energi anlitar återkommande en av Sigholms energistrategiska konsulter Arne Bergvik för att hålla i strategiska workshops, styrelseutbildningar och marknadsgenomgångar med företagskunder. Genom ...
Sigholm Tech continuously quantifies and analyses the major changes taking place in Europe's energy system. In our recent long-term forecast, we have weighed up several different aspects and simulate ...
Gävle Energi in collaboration with the Port of Gävle is taking a big step forward in contributing to climate goals and a better world. After receiving a financial grant from the Swedish Energy Agency ...
The goal is to optimise not only heating, electricity and cooling production, but to link it to other parts of the energy system, such as ancillary services, power balancing, bio-CCS and fuel planning...
Working with electricity networks means managing different types of risks to avoid accidents and incidents. When malfunctions occur, the goal is to return electricity to customers as quickly as possib...
The mild and rainy weather that has dominated since July turned cold and dry in October. The average temperature in the Nordic Region was 9 degrees Celsius lower in October than in September, a bigger...
Sigholm is continuously quantifying and analysing the rapid changes taking place in Europe's energy system. In our recent long-term forecast, we have weighed up several different aspects and simulated...
During the period 2022-2023, Umeå Energi carried out a pilot study on Bio-CCS with support from the Swedish Energy Agency. The aim of the project was to investigate the possibility of capturing and tr...
On Öster Mälarstrand in Västerås there is a plan to build 1,500 apartments where Bostads AB Mimer will build 300 under its own management and a two-level car park for about 400 cars....
Göteborg Energi is planning to build a new biofueled steam boiler, approx. 177 MWt, in connection with the existing Rya CHP plant, located in Energihamnen in Gothenburg's inlet. The investment is part...
Strängnäs kommunföretag AB is expanding and new areas are gradually being added, which led to an increased need for management of external environments. Responsibility for these environments was share...
The application process is extensive and requires detailed customisation according to the call text. On behalf of a client, Sigholm has carried out an assignment to coordinate and produce parts of the...
To address it, the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) was introduced in 2005 and, after many years of low prices, has been tightened as a result of a 17-fold increase in prices in the energy and industry ...
A housing association in Västerhaninge chose Sigholm to lead the procurement of a new management contract. Through an unconventional approach and Sigholm's support, a partnership and agreement was rea...
Stockholms Hamnar, a company owned by the City of Stockholm, has one of the world's largest passenger ports and one of Sweden's largest cargo ports. The company owns facilities and properties in conne...
It has been a very eventful first half of 2023 and the autumn will be just as challenging. The average global temperature is higher than ever, the price of emissions is more expensive, biomass is more...
Alla miljöfarliga verksamheter är skyldiga att följa upp och övervaka sina villkor i miljötillståndet. Enligt miljöbalken regleras detta genom en förordning som kräver attverksamhetsutövaren genomför ...
As part of the green transition and part of the modernisation of the existing plant park, Göteborg Energi is planning to build a new biofueled steam boiler, approximately 177 MWt, in connection with t...
Svenska kraftnät's operations are growing rapidly and they have for some time needed more business-adapted facilities. Since February 2022, Sigholm has been entrusted with supporting Svenska kraftnät ...
Oct 11, 2024 | News
Vi är glada att meddela att vi, torsdagen den 10 oktober, mottog Stora Näringslivspriset som är instiftat av Handelskammaren Mälardalen.
Sep 27, 2024 | Data analysis | Digitisation | Energy calculations | News | Produktionsplanering
Under första halvan av 2024 har vi, med vårt optimerings- och uppföljningsverktyg Aurora by Sigholm, framgångsrikt levererat årsoptimeringsprojekt för kraftvärmeproducenter.
Sep 05, 2024 | News | News & press | Press release
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