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  • Data analysis & business management

Implementation of SSG security training, Tekniska Verken in Kiruna

On behalf of Tekniska Verken in Kiruna, Sigholm is leading the implementation of SSG safety training for employees and contractors on the site.

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  • Communication

2mendix, verifikat för ansvarsfull avfallshantering på Söderenergi

För att sprida medvetenhet kring avfallshantering och öka förståelsen för hur man kan jobba med spårbarhet och transparens i avfallshanteringen, togs en video fram....

  • Data analysis & business management

Safe Shutdowns for Ena Energy

Accident prevention and improved communication were key factors for ENA Energy during the decommissioning of plant components. Poor working practices and unsafe work permits for contractors were addre...

  • Data analysis & business management

Certification for quality & environmental management, VafabMiljö

Certification of the workplace according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, followed by implementation of work methodology....

  • Data analysis & business management

New strategic direction for VME

Following the interconnection of district heating networks, it became necessary for Köping and Arboga to merge into a joint organisation. This meant that there was a need to clarify the strategic dire...

  • Data analysis & business management

Merger of Skövde Värmeverk and Skövde Elnät

Following a merger of two companies, restructuring and development of several tools and services were required. For example, the entire financial system needed to be changed in order to track costs ef...

  • Data analysis & business management

Growth Led to the Need for Digitalisation and New Routines at Trollhättan Energi

Substantial growth necessitated the establishment of internal structures to improve quality and efficiency within operations....

  • Data analysis & business management

Implementering av Lean-metodik i Advens fjärrvärmeverksamhet

Efter ett förvärv uppstod behovet av en mer relevant och verksamhetsnära praktik. Adven ville öka kunskapen om verksamhetsstyrning genom värderingar och praktisk handledning....

  • Energy calculations & price models
  • Price model

New pricing model for a more stable revenue stream and increased customer satisfaction, Hedemora Energi

Following the implementation of a new pricing model, the customer received a more stable revenue stream over the year that also better matched internal costs....

  • Data analysis & business management

New Work Processes Enhanced System Utilisation at Bodens Energi

Bodens Energi and Sigholm have jointly developed and implemented work processes based on the actual operations...

  • Data analysis & business management

Organisational transformation brought clarity in all process stages at Mälarenergi

Mälarenergi faced a major challenge where, while working intensively on sustainability goals, they were faced with extensive savings targets and a lack of clear job descriptions....

  • Construction projects & property development

Modernization of generator to meet accessibility goals, Mälarenergi

Since 1963, Generator 2 has been an integral part of Mälarenergi's operations. Over time, however, its original rotor and stator windings had deteriorated significantly. Recently, several breakdowns h...

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Nov 30, 2023 | News | News & press

Leveraging CSRD to create business value

In early 2024, the requirements for all large companies' sustainability reporting will be tightened, and most energy companies will be directly affected. The EU's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) will become Swedish law and will, among other things, give sustainability reporting t

Sep 08, 2023 | News & press | Press release

Sigholm increases its workforce by 24%

Sigholm, a prominent player in the energy and civil engineering sector, announces a 24% growth in personnel by welcoming 12 new colleagues within a month. This strengthens the company's capacity and expertise to meet the growing challenges of the market.

Aug 29, 2023 | News | News & press

Energistrategipodden live at Frihamnsdagarna 2023

On Friday 1 September, we will broadcast the first live podcast of the Energy Strategy Podcast during the Frihamnsdagarna in Gothenburg. During the recording, Niclas Sigholm will interview Per-Anders Gustafsson, CEO of Göteborg Energi for an in-depth interview about future energy solutions and susta

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