Bodens Energi och Sigholm har tillsammans tagit fram och implementerat arbetsprocesser med grund i hur verksamheten faktiskt ser ut.
18/03 - 2020
Mälarenergi stod inför en stor utmaning där de, samtidigt som de arbetade intensivt med hållbarhetsmålen, stod de inför omfattande besparingsmål och brist på tydliga befattningsbeskrivningar.
18/03 - 2020
Since 1963, Generator 2 has been an integral part of Mälarenergi's operations. Over time, however, its original rotor and stator windings had deteriorated significantly. Recently, several breakdowns have occurred and the condition of the generator has not reached the desired availability targets of 90%.
18/03 - 2020
Aug 29, 2023 | News | News & press
On Friday 1 September, we will broadcast the first live podcast of the Energy Strategy Podcast during the Frihamnsdagarna in Gothenburg. During the recording, Niclas Sigholm will interview Per-Anders Gustafsson, CEO of Göteborg Energi for an in-depth interview about future energy solutions and susta
Aug 28, 2023 | News | News & press
Read the article in "Tidningen Energi".Click here!
Jun 26, 2023 | News | News & press
Almedalen Week is approaching and we will be there! In addition to participating in interesting conversations, Niclas Sigholm, CEO of Sigholm Tech, will moderate a seminar that Luleå Energi is organising at Energiföretagens Arena Energi. In addition to this, we will also pack our portable podca
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