Sigholm expands with new service area to meet market needs

Sweden, the Nordic region and the world are in the midst of an unprecedented energy crisis. The effects of the pandemic have created strategy changes in the market, which are now being overturned by an ongoing and escalating energy crisis. To meet the needs of the market, Sigholm is now creating a new service area; Markets & Strategy with a focus on helping energy companies and energy-intensive organisations to get a clear picture of the market situation and how they should specifically act in the future to be able to change, before it is too late.

To help clients respond to the new market needs and properly direct financial and human resources, Sigholm is now expanding its offering with a new service area called "Markets & Strategy". The department delivers market information, strategic analyses and advice to help navigate the system transformation. As part of this expansion, two people have been hired to drive the development further. They are Anna Regnstrand, who most recently comes from a position as Strategic Project Manager in energy systems and electricity networks at Energiföretagen Sverige, Lukas Wärend Ewerlöf, who comes from the Energy Development Cluster.

Anna Regnstrand has worked in the energy industry for ten years, the last four of which were at Energiföretagen Sverige. There she has, among other things, led projects ”Färdplan energi”.

- I am very much looking forward to being involved in shaping 'Markets & Strategy'. I hope that we will soon be able to help our clients navigate an ever-changing energy industry and that together we can develop strategies that are sustainable in the long term," says Anna Regnstrand, Strategy Consultant at Sigholm.

For the past year, Lukas Wärend Ewerlöf has worked for the Energy Development Cluster as a business developer linked to the digital transformation of the energy system. At Sigholm he will monitor the development of the energy markets.

- It's great fun to analyse the development of the energy sector, especially when the rules of the game change as often as they do now. My goal is to help companies find their way through the energy crisis and be well equipped for the energy transition through fact-based decisions, says Lukas Wärend Ewerlöf, Energy Strategist at Sigholm.

Anna Regnstrand, Strategic consultant

Lukas Wärend Ewerlöf, Energy strategist

Sigholm Markets offers business intelligence, webinars, risk counselling and long-term electricity price forecasts to support your decisions.

Sigholm Strategy offers lectures, workshops and case studies to help you make strategic choices. Using data-driven business intelligence, we interpret market trends in a way that can be applied to your organisation. Our long experience in the energy sector means that we quickly familiarise ourselves with your particular challenges and what is most valuable to you.

The article was published 28/10 - 2022

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