Sigholm increases its workforce by 24%

12 new colleagues in three different offices

Sigholm, a prominent player in the energy and civil engineering sector, announces a 24% growth in personnel by welcoming 12 new colleagues within a month. This strengthens the company's capacity and expertise to meet the growing challenges in the market.

The rate of recruitment reflects the increased needs of customers due to the volatile electricity market and demanding energy situation in Sweden and globally right now. Energy companies and societal actors are in the midst of a challenging situation where attention is focused on them on both a micro and macro level, for example due to new regulations at EU level, wars in Europe and a changing energy landscape due to energy-intensive establishments, industry transitions and electrification. Through steady growth, Sigholm hopes to be a good source for the digitalisation, AI and management skills that customers need.

- The need for governance, digitalisation and business development is increasing among our customers and we therefore need to both increase and broaden our range of skills, which is why we have chosen to recruit several different positions in all the locations where we have offices," says Emelie Israelsson, CEO of Sigholm Tech.

Sigholm has hired people for positions in areas such as systems development, data science, energy strategy, energy market analysis, business development and project management. This strategic expansion will allow Sigholm to remain a trusted partner and a leading voice in shaping a sustainable and efficient energy future.

- Our rapid growth is a clear signal of the increasing need for qualified expertise in the energy field. We are determined to meet these challenges by investing in talented individuals who share our passion for sustainability," says Emelie Israelsson, CEO of Sigholm Tech.

Sigholm's recruitment marks not only an important growth phase for the company but also a strong future for the energy sector. With innovative solutions and a belief that sustainability is key, Sigholm will continue to be a driving force for change and progress. Sigholm now consists of 64 people.

Contact: Emelie Israelsson:, 0702-909 355

Sigholm was founded in 2010 and consists of three economic companies; Sigholm Tech, Sigholm Project & Sigholm Development. They are currently located in four locations; Västerås, Stockholm, Gothenburg and Luleå. Today, Sigholm consists of 64 employees with assignments throughout Sweden. The companies conduct consulting activities and are a reliable partner for change projects in society, energy and infrastructure. With a wide range of services in optimisation and energy system services, internal communication, business and operational development, Sigholm takes social responsibility and is committed to sustainable business.

The article was published 08/09 - 2023

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