Reinforcement in system development, management & project management

April is coming to an end and this month we have had the privilege of welcoming three new employees to Sigholm. They are Ylva Björk, who works as a system developer, Li Forsén as a management consultant and Patrick Rosefors as a project manager. Let us introduce them a little more closely:

Ylva Björk - reinforcement on System Development

Ylva comes most recently from the company Tobii where she worked as an algorithm developer. At Sigholm, she will focus on our software Aurora by Sigholm where she has started the role of system developer at our growing Stockholm office. Ylva is looking forward to contribute with her expertise in machine learning, data analysis and modelling in our exciting industry, the energy industry. 

I really look forward to helping companies develop and improve and grow as a person together with my colleagues. //Ylva Björk

Li Forsén - reinforcement on Management

Li has experience in energy technology and strategy work and now works as a management consultant in assignments at ENA energi where she works with the implementation of management systems and the development of process flows. She is also based in our Stockholm office.

A quote that is close to my heart is "I can be wrong". This way of thinking creates both an openness to one's surroundings and a humility towards oneself, which I believe is important to develop as a human being. //Li Forsén

Patrick Rosefors - reinforcement on Project management

Patrick works in the project Biokraftvärme Rya, where Göteborg Energi will build a new biofueled steam boiler for connection to district heating and electricity production.  In his role in construction administration, Patrick is the right hand of the responsible subproject manager for Land and Construction and supports in finance, planning, working environment, etc. A very broad and exciting job and for those who want to learn the basics of working in large industrial and construction projects.  Patrick is part of our growing Gothenburg office.

Welcome to Sigholm and to contribute to a sustainable energy system. Step by step we are saving the world, together with our customers.

The article was published 24/04 - 2023

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