From easily accessible and cheap to difficult and costly
The energy crisis and record high electricity prices are changing the way we look at energy use and access. In Europe, energy has gone from being easily accessible and cheap to being difficult to access and expensive. Even though we in Sweden have not had quite as high price peaks as elsewhere in Europe, the price increase has nevertheless been sudden here too. Given our relatively high degree of electrification in Sweden, it is mainly electricity that has come into focus.
- The change in the energy market is irreversible and affects all parts of society - industry, households as well as the transport sector, says Arne Bergvik, energy strategist at Sigholm. He continues: "Take households, for example. A recent Novus survey shows that two-thirds of households have implemented energy efficiency improvements in 2022. Household awareness has changed dramatically, and this means that the hygiene requirements for services and products aimed at households have also shifted. This poses a challenge for electricity retailers and energy companies who now need to rapidly accelerate digitalisation, automate their processes and develop new services and products to remain relevant and retain customer trust. Similarly, requirements have changed in the industrial sector. Energy strategy is about survival and competitiveness."
The crisis is difficult - opportunity to build trust and create long-term business relationships
At Sigholm, we emphasise the importance of keeping up with the shift that is now taking place in the energy system. As expectations of what makes a good partner and product change, it is necessary to keep up.
"It's how you handle this crisis that determines whether your customer relationships will last 28 days or 28 years."
-The energy crisis is to the energy sector what the pandemic was to the home office - a rapid shift in the definition of what is possible and even in what are hygiene requirements. We help our customers to identify and strategically position themselves in that change, thus laying the foundation for long-term business relationships, both upstream and downstream in the energy system, says Arne Bergvik. He continues: "I usually say that how you handle this crisis will determine whether your customer relationships will last for 28 days or 28 years. The crisis is difficult, but at the same time a great opportunity to learn, build trust and create long, mutually beneficial business relationships adapted to the new energy system."
To find out more about how the energy crisis is affecting your business and how the system transition has irreversibly changed your business environment, don't hesitate to contact Sigholm.