See you in Almedalen 2023?

Almedalen Week is approaching and we will be there! In addition to participating in interesting conversations, Niclas Sigholm, CEO of Sigholm Tech, will moderate a seminar that Luleå Energi is organising at Energiföretagens Arena Energi. In addition to this, we will also pack our portable podcasts and look for spontaneous input and interviews.

Energistrategipodden is in place

Repeating last year's presence in Almedalen, we will bring our microphones and interview decision-makers and politicians on site. We will look for interesting topics and people and ask spontaneous questions during the Almedalen week. These episodes will be plentiful during these days and will, as usual, be published on the poddens hemsida but will be available on all podcast platforms. Do you have tips on someone we should try to get a spontaneous interview with? If so, let us know on the podcast's website!

Facilitator at Luleå Energi's seminar

On 28 June, our strategy consultant and interviewer in the Energy Strategy Podcast, Niclas Sigholm, will be moderating a seminar at Energiföretagens arena Arena Energi on the topic of squeezing the air out of the system and optimising the expansion of the electricity network.

About the seminar:

There is currently unutilised capacity in the electricity system. At the same time, there are additional power bookings based on uncertain forecasts far into the future. This creates the wrong conditions and is something that current working methods and processes are not fully capable of handling.

These lock-in effects mean that Sweden does not get the social benefits and the transition that is required, or the growth that is possible. It is clear that we must protect resources, i.e. optimise power and electricity network expansion while enabling greater flexibility. In order to create the right conditions, Luleå Energi has hosted a series of round table discussions and invited industry in Luleå; SSAB, LKAB, Talgagroup, Grupo Fertiberia, Uniper Sweden, from the energy industry; SvK and Vattenfall Eldistribution and representatives from Luleå Municipality. Through the talks, the industry in Luleå has shared its power needs in order to investigate with the electricity network companies whether it is possible to squeeze the air out of the system and optimise the expansion of the electricity network, which enables more people to switch over. Together, the parties are now sharing a successful approach and encouraging others to do similar work to find out if it is possible to release power and capacity in other parts of the country to accelerate the transition.

The seminars will take place at Energiföretagens Arena Energi. Watch the broadcast live via Almedalen Week play: and read more about the event here:

The article was published 26/06 - 2023

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