Pub: 19/04 - 2024
Last week, the District Heating Days 2024 (Fjärrvärmedagarna 2024) was organized, a conference that offers a helicopter perspective on the district heating industry's most important and strategic issues. Our energy strategist Niclas Sigholm started the first day with a presentation on challenges and opportunities for district heating and CHP in the new energy landscape and shared his thoughts on it.
Pub: 07/12 - 2021
We have now had the pleasure of sharing knowledge and contributing to learning for four seasons. EnergiStrategiPodden is coming to an end and will soon take a Christmas break.
Pub: 12/05 - 2021
To conclude the third season of the EnergyStrategyPod, we bring together decision-makers and leaders in the energy industry, many of whom we have interviewed in the podcast, to discuss the market situation and future prospects.
Pub: 03/06 - 2020
In March, we at Sigholm started a podcast, EnergiStrategiPodden. As an extension and conclusion of season 1, we have now created EnergiStrategiDagen - a digital debate forum with leading people from the energy industry who discuss the major energy transformation based on specific programme points.
Dec 16, 2024 | News
Den snabba elektrifieringen av samhället ställer höga krav på elnäten att kunna hantera ett alltmer komplext energisystem.
Oct 30, 2024 | News
Vi är stolta att meddela att vi blivit tilldelade titeln "Tillväxtraket 2024". Sigholm är ett av fåtal bolag som har vuxit mer än 30 procent och tilldelas därmed titeln “Tillväxtraket 2024” både på medarbetarsidan samt omsättningssidan. Vi är oerhört stolta över att bli utsedda till årets tillv
Oct 11, 2024 | News
Vi är glada att meddela att vi, torsdagen den 10 oktober, mottog Stora Näringslivspriset som är instiftat av Handelskammaren Mälardalen.
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