Innovation projects & climate change

We plan and execute successful projects for the crucial climate transition.

We help clients in complex and innovative projects where a major challenge is that nothing like this has been done before. We can help from the first strategy meeting to commissioning

Carbon capture and storage(CCS)

Sigholm helps energy companies and other emitters to manage and develop CCS projects in early phases. We specialise in building a solid foundation for the CCS project based on the customer's conditions. This may involve studies, workshops, project management or authorisation work. We help the customer with anchoring, risk analysis, coordination, investigation and organisation.

  • Project design
  • Investigation & analysis
  • Regulatory issues
  • Business model
Read more about CCS


The electrification of transport is a key issue for the future. Sigholm maps the customer's needs and conditions, project manages the transition and develops financing solutions.

  • Project Management
  • Financing solutions

Hydrogen gas

Sigholm helps you explore how hydrogen can be applied within your organisation and business. We can guide you through applications, future scenarios and the link between production costs and the energy market.

  • Business model
  • Certification & regulatory issues
Interested in how we can help your organization?

Contact us and we'll tell you more

Johanna Ek Wahlqvist


We have the ambition to make the world better together

At Sigholm, we believe in developing skills in the long term to build the company together. Through shared reflections, we create a culture of continuous learning.

Career at Sigholm

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