Our expertise /

Data analysis & change management

Focus on people in change with customized approaches

For us, successful change work is to find sustainable structures that promote learning and competence development together with client find structures that promote learning and competence development. Our broad experience in processes within energy companies allows us to quickly identify customers' challenges and work together to find solutions that create value for everyone.

Strategic Planning

We help our clients develop and realize long-term sustainable strategies based on their current position and the ambitions to develop the business.

Process Development

We learn our clients' work processes and then develop customer-specific improvement proposals that we assist in implementing.


With a clear structure and methodology, we lead digitalization projects to streamline our clients' operations.

Maintenance Development

With industry-specific adaptations of maintenance standards combined with efficient work processes, we help our clients increase the availability of their facilities.

Goal Management

We help managers and leaders develop well-adapted goals and then ensure that they have the right tools to report and follow up on the goals in the right forums to achieve the desired effect.

Security Development

We lead change missions with the aim of improving security routines at our clients' facilities.

Organisational Change

We help our clients analyze the need for, motivate, communicate, and implement organizational changes. We tailor the reorganization to the client's goals and help convey the message to the entire organization, for example, if the purpose is to prepare the organization for future strategic challenges or to increase internal efficiency.

Asset Management

We offer support and expertise in both the strategic and operational aspects of facility management. Our services include everything from in-depth analysis and development of customized facility strategies and plans to the development and improvement of operational processes, as well as change management in areas such as operations, maintenance, spare parts logistics, and warehouse management.

Interested in how we can help your organization?

Contact us and we'll tell you more

Timo Isaksson

Management consultant

Viktor Strandgren

Management consultant

Our Industries

Our goal is to connect different sectors and stakeholders, leveraging their experiences to generate insights for the next project phase. In this way, we can make a significant difference across segments and industries.

Energy & Industry

In our assignments, we help our clients drive projects from strategy to project handover and management with a focus on climate and energy transition. In a changing market, it is crucial to be flexible and drive projects in close collaboration with all stakeholders.

Construction & Property

With a focus on tomorrow's sustainable society, our consultants help real estate companies with project development and strategy to ensure their properties last for a long time. Complex projects with high demands and various disciplines have given us valuable experience in handling new regulations and approaches.

Public Sector & Infrastructure

With solid experience in the energy sector and projects with ambitious climate and energy goals, we develop various types of facilities, buildings, and community properties. Our consultants are involved in leading the development of infrastructure and change projects to meet the future requirements of sustainable societies.

We have the ambition to make the world better together

At Sigholm, we believe in developing skills in the long term to build the company together. Through shared reflections, we create a culture of continuous learning.

Career at Sigholm

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