Construction projects & property development

Our project management services are based on long-term relationship building

Relationships where we represent the client as an independent party and a trusted partner throughout the journey, from needs analysis to project handover and operation. In our assignments, we aim to establish a relationship where we challenge the client to evolve and drive projects more efficiently through continuous improvement efforts. Our project methodology is characterized by a holistic approach where we care for all stakeholders, whether it's before, during, or after project completion. Our goal is to contribute to ecological, social, and economic sustainability. In an increasingly complex world, this means that we want to create an understanding of the project's entire lifecycle, taking into account the diverse needs of all parties and specific considerations built on multidisciplinary knowledge.

Our Industries

Our goal is to connect different sectors and stakeholders, leveraging their experiences to generate insights for the next project phase. In this way, we can make a significant difference across segments and industries.

Energy & Industry

In our assignments, we help our clients drive projects from strategy to project handover and management with a focus on climate and energy transition. In a changing market, it is crucial to be flexible and drive projects in close collaboration with all stakeholders.

Construction & Property

With a focus on tomorrow's sustainable society, our consultants help real estate companies with project development and strategy to ensure their properties last for a long time. Complex projects with high demands and various disciplines have given us valuable experience in handling new regulations and approaches.

Public Sector & Infrastructure

With solid experience in the energy sector and projects with ambitious climate and energy goals, we develop various types of facilities, buildings, and community properties. Our consultants are involved in leading the development of infrastructure and change projects to meet the future requirements of sustainable societies.

Current mission

Project manager and project manager, Bostads AB Mimer.

On Öster Mälarstrand in Västerås there is a plan to build 1,500 apartments where Bostads AB Mimer will build 300 under its own management and a two-level car park for about 400 cars....

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Current missions

Ny pannanläggning vid VME:s värmeanläggning

Huvudprojektledare för VME:s nya pannanläggning i Arboga, med slutlig driftsättning, som beräknas till Q4, år 2024.

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Uppdatering av internhyresmodell för enklare hantering, Lidingö Stad

På uppdrag av Lidingö Stad utvecklar Sigholm en förenklad modell för internhyressättning för kommunens fastigheter som hyrs ut internt till andra förvaltningar.

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Projektledare lokalprojekt och hyresgästanpassning, Svenska kraftnät

Svenska kraftnäts verksamhet växer kraftigt och de har under en tid haft behov av mer verksamhetsanpassade lokaler. Sigholm har sedan februari 2022 haft förtroendet att stötta Svenska kraftnät i deras lokalförsörjning, lokalfrågor och arbetet med pro...

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Samarbete för hållbar uppvärmning och kostnadseffektivisering, Mälarenergi

I takt med stigande bränslepriser har fastighetsägare börjat söka långsiktiga och hållbara lösningar för sin uppvärmning.

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Interested in how we can help your organization?

Contact us and we'll tell you more

Contact Information

Isabell Stoor


+46 70 290 61 25

Joel Jorup

Energi & industri

+46 70 619 00 19

We have the ambition to make the world better together

At Sigholm, we believe in developing skills in the long term to build the company together. Through shared reflections, we create a culture of continuous learning.

Career at Sigholm

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