The realisation of a CCS project often requires financing from both private and public actors. Sigholm supports the customer with investigations and analyses for a sustainable business model for CCS and also writes applications for public funding. We provide expert support in regulatory issues, certification and carbon credits.
We develop customised workshop formats for project, steering or management teams to take the next step, align objectives or increase understanding of the area.
We help you understand what the CCS business looks like and how a business model can be adapted to your specific conditions. Both from a financing perspective to realise the project but also for the revenue side during the operational period.
A CCS integration not only creates new business but also impacts existing ones. We guide you through the impact and what is important to consider to get the full picture.
Söderenergi arbetar sedan 2020 med att bygga en bioCCS-anläggning på Igelstaverket i Södertälje. Sigholm leder projektet hos Söderenergi i rollen som huvudprojektledare och deltar även som delprojektledare inom miljötillstånd samt hamn- och mellanlager, med ansvar att driva sitt delprojektet framåt.
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