The podcast where we explore the development of the energy market through the eyes of the actors who are in the middle of it

In this audio journey, we dive deep into the heart of the dynamic energy industry, highlighting its strategic choices and aspects. We are your guide to a better understanding of the vital role that energy and electricity play in our lives, from the general to the most complex.

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#272 - ESP fokuserar på elnätets digitalisering med Hanna & Niclas

Vad sades egentligen under LF Energy Summit i Bryssel under konferensen vecka 36? Vi plockar ner och pusslar ihop tankarna och drar insikter i hur man behöver agera framöver för att kunna vara en spelare på marknaden där elnätet digitaliseras....
Published 2024-09-16

Energistrategipodden is one of the Nordics' leading podcasts in energy and tech

We are driven by sharing knowledge and democratizing information, which is why we started the Energy Strategy podcast in the spring of 2020. A step in trying to create an understanding of the energy strategic issues that affect us all. In the podcast, we interview leaders at energy companies, companies, academies and decision-makers in energy-intensive organizations and ask ourselves what challenges they face and how they deal with them.

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  • Sverige

  • Belgien

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  • Tyskland

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We are always on the lookout for exciting topics and interesting discussions that can highlight and explore the latest developments in the energy sector. If you have a tip on a topic or expert that you think would be perfect for our podcast, don't hesitate to share!

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Are you active in the energy industry and passionate about sharing your insights?

Then we want to hear from you! Our podcast is a platform to highlight voices from all corners of the energy sector and create meaningful discussions around the topics that are shaping our industry today.

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Some of the people we spoke to in the podcast

  • Energimarknadsinspektionen

  • Energiföretagen Sverige

  • Vattenfall

  • Ellevio

  • E.ON Sverige

  • ABB

  • Fortum

  • Hitachi Energy

  • Svenska kraftnät

  • Göteborg Energi

  • H2 Green Steel

  • Örebrobostäder

  • Preem

  • Öresundskraft

  • Svensk vindenergi

  • Liquid wind

  • SSAB

  • Lantmännen

  • Regeringskansliet

  • Svensk solenergi

  • Adven

  • Fastighetsägarna

  • Umeå Energi

  • Skellefteå Kraft

  • LKAB

  • Sinfra

  • Fossilfritt Sverige

  • Svebio

  • AWS (Amazon Web Services)

  • Riksbyggen

  • Mälarenergi

  • Ragn-Sells

  • Gävle Energi

  • Energiforsk

  • Newsec

We have the ambition to make the world better together

At Sigholm, we believe in developing skills in the long term to build the company together. Through shared reflections, we create a culture of continuous learning.

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