Key words - our chosen values

The work culture is what makes us stand out at Sigholm

It is all of us who make up the culture, and our guiding principles help us to lay the foundations for it together, by permeating our behaviors and reflecting them in our structures, routines and processes. No matter how much we try to write down in words, the value is not created on paper. What matters is how we bring them into our work and how they are applied in practice. That's when their value is really created.

Leading and being led

A flat organization where everyone is a leader
We have a distributed responsibility at Sigholm, characterized by self-leadership. Self-leadership means that we take great responsibility for our own actions and individual contributions to the situation. At the same time, we give each other support and guidance with a present and coaching leadership. We develop through reflection, not by being served the solution.

Everyone can both lead and be led regardless of their position and role. The person I lead in one situation leads me in another. To lead is to facilitate the process to a decision where different perspectives are highlighted, but leading is not the same as deciding yourself. We all have a task to share our reflections but also critically dare to challenge our own positions in all development issues, regardless of whether we are led or lead. The ability to listen to others and take in new perspectives should not be confused with an inability to make decisions. There is always a balance between the time it takes to meet multiple needs and the need to move forward.

Feedback is a right

Through feedback we grow both as a group and as individuals
A large part of life is about learning that comes from successes as well as setbacks. It is a matter of course and a right at Sigholm to both receive and give feedback on good and less good performances. We expect everyone to want and actively seek feedback in order to learn and improve both personally and professionally. Feedback shared with colleagues also leads to valuable collective skills development.

Feedback is always well-intentioned and intended to lead to learning and change. By discussing and following up on the feedback, we maximize learning.

The impact and value of feedback is greatly influenced by how it is delivered. Frequently taking and giving feedback strengthens our ability to deliver the feedback in a present and caring way. We create a lively dialog that develops our ability to discuss issues where there are different opinions, which contributes to strong relationships.

Share with care

We work with open books at all levels
Sigholm is a team effort where we strive to have a high level of autonomy and responsibility. A prerequisite for taking responsibility and making wise decisions is access to information. We are therefore transparent as far as possible. This applies, for example, to financial information, documentation and activity planning. Accessible information creates inclusion and gives everyone the opportunity to have insight into ongoing work without participating in every work stream. At the same time, we reduce the risk of creating unnecessary bottlenecks and obstacles in processes.

Just as important as making information available when needed is that communication is done in a thoughtful way, in the right amount and in the right channel, to fulfill its purpose.

We don't just share information with each other. We also create great value for ourselves and our colleagues by carefully sharing our own reflections and feelings about successes and setbacks. We strive to be generous and honest in sharing our own lessons, experiences, goals and ambitions in order to support and strengthen each other.

Sharing is also contributing to a joint learning and skills transfer where we rejoice in the successes and development journeys of others. Do not forget that a colleague is only a question away if something is unclear.

With openness comes a trust to handle information you have access to in a responsible way that protects the integrity and interests of customers, colleagues and the company.

Plan - act - iterate

We don't want the perfect prototype, we want feedback!
Activity planning is the basis for effective work and increases the quality of our deliveries. The essence of effective work is to move forward and it is when we act that real value is created. As we often work with complex problems where different goals are conflicting and where parts of the circumstances are unknown, this needs to be balanced with the ability to plan and break down the problem. In this way, we ensure that our goal is known to everyone and that we thereby enable effective cooperation where everyone works in the same direction.

We know that our world is changing and that there are things we cannot control. We therefore respect what we don't know and start acting on what we do know. By having an agile planning methodology and striving for rapid iterations, we are able to quickly change direction when conditions change. Our approach is characterized by an ability to see the whole picture and to develop prototypes or concrete alternatives early on to work on and learn from. We are not afraid to try new things or to make mistakes. Instead, we learn together from our experiments and make improvements based on the input and feedback we receive.

There is always a next step

Even if the full solution is not clear right away, we can always define a next step
We operate in a complex environment, where problem solving becomes a natural part of our work. Problems cannot be avoided, but the crucial question is how we approach them.

Based on our lean philosophy, we know that it is the root cause of the problem that we aim to eliminate, not just treat the symptoms. We therefore actively seek solutions and create the conditions for others to contribute to problem solving by adequately painting our picture of the current situation and the target picture and contributing suggestions for a first step forward.

We appreciate those who can be inventive and open-minded in this process. We work together to ensure that an identified problem is always followed by suggestions for ways forward, which are also curiously evaluated.

By acting on what we experience and believe needs to be improved, we all have the opportunity to influence our own, our colleagues' and customers' everyday lives for the better.

Dare to make a difference

We strive to make the world a little better
With our combination of broad and specialized expertise, we have the ability to understand the complex challenges we, and our planet, face. Through many small actions and choices as well as larger targeted projects, we contribute to what is sustainable and right in the long term.

We have the strength and courage to broaden our perspectives and think about the big picture, while tirelessly focusing on the root problems - where our efforts make the biggest difference.

We work unpretentiously to create long-term value and be a force for good for our customers and our environment, and are driven by that contribution beyond the number on the bottom line.

Our strong ethical and moral compass guides us in thinking and acting sustainably - for the environment, society and economy. We are proud and motivated by our contribution to a sustainable society and the amount of CO2 we manage to save

Working at Sigholm

Meet Us Working at Sigholm

At Sigholm, we believe in developing skills in the long term to build the company together. Through shared reflections, we create a culture of continuous learning.

See staff members

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