Energy engineer with over 20 years of experience in the energy industry

At Sigholm, energy engineers, system developers, management consultants, project managers, business developers and environmental consultants work in a wonderful symbiosis.

To get to know us a little better, we asked some people at Sigholm what they think of the workplace. 

Samuel Atler - Energy engineer with over 20 years of experience in the energy industry. After graduating from Mälardalen University, the first years after college were spent as a project manager and then worked as a project manager with different types of projects mostly in the energy industry and the utility sector.

What is the best thing about working at Sigholm?

It is a relatively young company that is constantly on the move and wants to develop, which means that you as an individual are constantly developing and learning.

How did you find out about Sigholm?

My first contact with Sigholm was through Niclas over ten years ago, when we both had assignments with the same client and that's the way it is.

What has surprised you most about working at Sigholm?

What an incredible development we have had during the almost ten years I have worked at Sigholm. That we have gone from four employees as we were when I started to almost 70 and that we are in four locations

Dare to make a difference, feedback is a right, there is always a next step... these are some of the company's guiding principles that are reflected in the company's DNA. Samuel, which of our principles do you carry with you as a daily guide?

Feedback is a right. Feedback is in my opinion so important to be able to develop, if no one tells you what you can do better, it is so difficult to know about it and that you must dare to ask / try, after all, it is on their mistakes that you often learn.

Working at Sigholm

Meet Us Working at Sigholm

At Sigholm, we believe in developing skills in the long term to build the company together. Through shared reflections, we create a culture of continuous learning.

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