With extensive experience in change management and business development

At Sigholm, energy engineers, system developers, management consultants, project managers, business developers and environmental consultants work in a wonderful symbiosis.

To get to know us a little better, we asked some Sigholm employees what they think of the workplace. 

Hanna Tengelin - With extensive experience in change management and business development

Hanna has studied Industrial Engineering and Management at Chalmers University of Technology and has a Master's degree in Innovation Management. She is based in our Gothenburg office but has projects throughout southern Sweden.

What is the best thing about working at Sigholm?

To be able to work with one of the most important and crucial issues of our time and to do so together with knowledgeable, curious and committed colleagues and customers who have the energy, courage and creativity to find new ways to achieve change. 

How did you discover Sigholm?

I studied at Chalmers together with Niclas who started Sigholm and have followed the company's journey from the start. When I chose to jump on the journey, it was mainly the ideas of building a dynamic, agile and modern organization where everyone really contributes and develops that attracted me. In combination with the clear purpose and goals.

What has surprised you most about working at Sigholm?

How quickly it is possible to go from idea to action. We can sit and speculate about a possibility at lunch and the next day someone has developed a prototype that is then refined and within a week can be tested with a customer. For me, it's the combination of curiosity, drive and a self-governing organization that creates an environment where things just happen. 

Sigholm is imbued with clear principles that are tied together into the company's DNA. One of the most important things we emphasize is the individual's development where the organization constantly wants to push and develop the individual in the right direction. Therefore, we adopt an agile way of working with continuous development meetings where we talk and share experiences, have joint book reflections and support each other in our individual and collective journeys. Hanna continues:

We highly value our standing time for joint reflection and learning every week. All employees highlight a situation or insight from the week and I feel that every time I get new perspectives and knowledge that makes me a better consultant.

Dare to make a difference, feedback is a right, there is always a next step... these are some of the company's guiding principles that result in “Sigholm's DNA”. Hanna, which of our principles do you carry with you as a daily guide?

One of Sigholm's principles that I think about daily is that “there is always a next step” - our role as consultants is to be constructive problem solvers and help our clients move forward. For me, it's about not only identifying a problem but also having an idea of possible steps to find a solution. We cannot plan for everything at once, but there is always a first activity to take on to find a solution. 

Working at Sigholm

Meet Us Working at Sigholm

At Sigholm, we believe in developing skills in the long term to build the company together. Through shared reflections, we create a culture of continuous learning.

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