Through joint reflection, we create a culture of continuous learning

We asked Fredrik, our management consultant, to describe how she sees skills development at Sigholm

Competence development as part of everyday life

Something I have experienced as very developing and exciting since I started at Sigholm is how competence development is not something separate but instead is made an ever-present factor in many of our daily activities. Whenever we get the chance, we look for opportunities for feedback and reflection to develop both individuals and companies. This is really stimulating, motivating our own thinking and giving us new perspectives. A strong belief that feedback is not only an obligation to give, but also a right to receive, permeates much of what we do, and coming into an environment where this happens actively and naturally between colleagues has made it happen a lot more for me as well.

Common reflections based on a structured learning method

I have always loved absorbing new material in the form of books, podcasts and documentaries. However, I have rarely reflected on them very carefully, and thus missed out on a lot of learning. Initially, I found it challenging to be expected to reflect and think about the book or article I had read. But with practice, I increasingly realize how rewarding it is to formulate and share your thoughts with others, reflect together and thus deepen your understanding. And now I do it almost automatically. 

At Sigholm we do this in large and small ways and it's great to work in an environment where everyone finds it natural to raise questions and learn together. Every week, for example, we gather to reflect on something that happened to us during the week. It can be about a positive experience or a situation where, in retrospect, we would have wanted to act differently. As a group, we then twist and turn the question and together we link it to other people's experiences, theory, common abilities and the company's motto. Getting other people's perspectives on big and small things that I myself have experienced is rewarding, and constantly drawing parallels to our common values means that our guiding principles really come alive in everyday life. 

Book circles - part of learning at the intersection of theory and practice

We try to customize the forms of skills development based on our own needs and interests. This means that there are more ways to engage with colleagues from across the company. There are always several book circles going on where we meet to go through what aspects we take from the literature and how they can or cannot be applied in our everyday life. We also learn from each other through breakfast meetings where colleagues share their experiences and knowledge. The latest addition is that I, together with some colleagues, introduced regular reflection sessions on the Energy Strategy Podcast. It is a perfect way to gain more knowledge about the energy industry for people at Sigholm who are new to the energy industry.

In summary, I realize that continuous learning and reflection has helped me grow, as a person and a colleague, and it permeates more and more of my daily life. In a short time, I have acquired a new approach, where I actively think about how what I learn can help myself and others. To do this with such dedicated friends and colleagues is truly a bonus!

//Regards Emmy Bergman, Management Consultant

Sammanfattningsvis inser jag att ett kontinuerligt lärande och reflekterande har hjälpt mig växa, som person och kollega, och det genomsyrar allt mer av mitt dagliga liv. Jag har på kort tid skaffat ett nytt förhållningssätt, där jag aktivt tänker på hur det jag lär mig kan hjälpa mig själv och andra. Att dessutom göra det tillsammans med så engagerade vänner och kollegor är sannerligen en bonus!

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At Sigholm, we believe in developing skills in the long term to build the company together. Through shared reflections, we create a culture of continuous learning.

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