Both energy system engineers and system developers with many years of experience in the industry work behind Aurora by Sigholm, who together with you can refine the production data according to your specific needs.
With a user-friendly and intuitive interface, a better production planning is created that takes into account the next week's electricity prices, heat demand and fixed assets and optimizes production accordingly.
Cross-border communication between management and operating personnel. Aurora by Sigholm gives you a clear communication platform where information is shared between shift teams and management for a holistic view of the facilities.
By simulating different types of operating cases, the staff can be prepared to act when planned and unplanned events occur. At the same time as financial analyzes can be done and thus obtain good data that promotes decentralized decisions.
By comparing the outcome data with the subsequently optimal energy production, a clear and educational basis is obtained for the staff to constantly develop in motivating environments.
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