Growth Led to the Need for Digitalisation and New Routines at Trollhättan Energi

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In recent years, Trollhättan Energi has experienced strong growth, expanding its responsibilities, developing both new and existing business areas, and taking on additional business areas. As a result, the need arose to establish internal structures to improve quality and efficiency within operations. The maintenance department faced the challenge of modernising its IT support while also aiming to increase predictability and implement more data-driven work processes.

It became evident that a standardised workflow was necessary, as previous processes had been heavily reliant on individual efforts and characterised by reactive, ad hoc solutions. Low system utilisation negatively impacted data quality and documentation, and there was a lack of systematic structure for recording and reporting plant and process data.

The situation analysis was followed by the implementation of workflow standards

The first step was to analyse the current situation. Based on a brief analysis, Sigholm, together with the management team, developed a target vision for the maintenance processes and their associated IT support. A standard workflow (preparation, planning, follow-up and reporting) was developed and implemented in close collaboration with the organisation. Simultaneously, both digital and analogue tools were updated to improve data quality, collaboration and process oversight. The maintenance system was enhanced with clear categorisation of work types and information, a systematic plant hierarchy and support for process and KPI monitoring through statistics and charts. Significant emphasis was placed on training and coaching staff in leadership to ensure lasting changes.

200% Increase in System Tool Utilisation

The team has implemented a shared and visual planning and tracking system for work orders, resulting in improved collaboration, flexibility and learning. A standardised approach to category and information management has been introduced, with automated statistics and KPI tracking. The use of work orders for planning and documentation has increased by nearly 200%, whilst the average lead time from work order creation to completion has decreased by more than 60%. Additionally, over 240 recurring jobs, excluding routine rounds, have been scheduled—a significant improvement from previous practices.

Photo: Trollhättan Energi

About Trollhättan Energi

Trollhättan Energi AB is responsible for the city's district heating network, water and sewage networks, and parts of the fibre network. Its operations include the production and sale of electricity, biogas and district heating, as well as the management of drinking water production and wastewater treatment. The company is also responsible for the city's waste management services.

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Contact Us
Viktor Strandgren

Management consultant

The article was published 18/03 - 2020

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