Next generation system optimisation, Stockholm Exergi

In collaboration with Stockholm Exergi, Sigholm is working to develop the next generation of system optimisation using the AbS (Aurora by Sigholm) software.

The goal is an optimisation that is not only based on heat, electricity and cooling production, but also links it to other parts of the energy system, such as support services, power balancing, bio-CCS and fuel planning. We bring together most of Stockholm's energy system in one platform in a way that no one has done before.

Integrated optimisation models for more efficient district heating production

In a first step, optimisation models for district cooling and district heating/cogeneration production will be linked. In parallel with this, system support is being developed for more efficient settlement between Stockholm Exergi and its partners in district heating production in the Stockholm region. We are also developing system support for power equalisation planning, electricity production planning and have also initiated analysis work on how customer load forecasts can be improved and perhaps used in the long term to make better use of the district heating network and thus reduce production costs.

We do not want to build a system support that is adapted to how things are done today but instead explore what we would like to do if we had the opportunity to build a system support adapted for the future. In the project, we therefore have broad expertise in both change management, system development, energy system modelling and UX development. This means that we can move forward quickly in all areas and eventually develop the world's first complete system optimisation.


Our digital platform helps your business to sort, analyse and suggest how to run production facilities for optimal operation. AbS is backed by both energy system engineers and system developers with many years of experience in the industry who, together with you, can refine the production data according to your specific needs.

More about AbS

Contact Us
Viktor Strandgren

Management consultant

The article was published 13/12 - 2023

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