System change to future-proof Lysekil

  • Lästid: 2 minuter

Successful transition for both businesses and citizens

The global energy crisis has a major impact on both society and business. However, it is also a clear signal to act. Lysekil municipality has actively taken steps to address the challenges posed by the global energy crisis. By enlisting the help of Sigholm for a time-limited and targeted effort, the municipality has strengthened awareness of the scope of the energy crisis, its effects and its impact on Lysekil as a whole.

The assignment included an overall mapping of Lysekil's strengths, which formed the basis for how Lysekil can position itself to become even more attractive to businesses and residents in the future. When society, business and residents act pragmatically together, good conditions are created for a successful system transition and increased resilience to future energy crises. This, in turn, will secure existing jobs and lay the foundations for future economic development.

The energy crisis as a catalyst for development

For Europe, the energy crisis is a wake-up call. Relying on threatening energy suppliers requires increased responsibility and control over the energy situation, and the whole of society must be on board. Lysekil municipality has now gained valuable insights into the causes of the energy crisis, its impact and the necessary actions needed to improve its conditions.


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Arne Bergvik

Energy strategist

The article was published 11/04 - 2024

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