Strategy and management in a changing energy market

  • Lästid: 3 minuter

Linde Energi is a municipal energy company with solar and hydropower production, 12 000 electricity network customers, 1000 district heating customers and 10 000 electricity trading customers. The company's vision is to be a crucial driving force in Bergslagen by delivering tomorrow's energy solutions. Achieving this goal requires a very high level of strategic navigation ability and deep insights into the rapid energy and societal transition. Sudden market disruptions, new technologies and emerging customer needs require company management and owners to have a good basis for decision-making and a good understanding of the dominant driving forces.

Valuable insights strengthen the core business

Linde Energi regularly engages one of Sigholm's energy strategy consultants Arne Bergvik to conduct strategic workshops, board training and market reviews with corporate clients. By quantifying various business changes, identifying technological, political and market trends and clarifying the strategic crossroads facing energy players, Sigholm can continuously deliver valuable insights for strategy and management work. Thanks to long experience, solid analyses and extensive information gathering, Sigholm can offer the deep insights needed to interpret and anchor the changes in the district heating, electricity trading and grid business.

Decision support for investments in solar parks

Prior to the investment decisions in the Solhagen and Solvallen solar parks, Sigholm's experts were engaged to determine how the power plants should be integrated into the business, how different strategic opportunities could best be realised and how electricity prices could develop in the future. Sigholm provided strategic insights, proposals for different types of partnerships and electricity price forecasts to support the decision. Both solar parks have been successfully constructed and the shares in the parks offered to customers are fully subscribed. Solhagen received an award as "Solar Hero of the Year" at the Energy and Climate Day 2020 and an honourable mention as "Plant of the Year" by the industry association Svensk Solenergi 2021. Solvallen was devoted four pages in the magazine "Forskning och Framsteg" in June 2023 on solar cells on agricultural land, agrivoltaics.

The successes are examples of how a player in the energy system, through well-founded strategic positioning work, good market insights and deep system understanding, can create long-term customer relationships and realise values that extend far beyond the core business. The good ratings and the renewed confidence that Linde Energi gives Sigholm are the best proof of a job well done. Sigholm is proud to continue contributing to Linde Energi's success.

High business value and strong offer

Developments in society and the energy sector create issues and changes in the environment that in some way affect all actors in the energy system: consumers, producers and distributors. Several strong trends can be discerned and quantified. Sigholm performs this work continuously, which creates business benefits for both new and existing customers.

Linde Energi is a municipal energy company with solar and hydropower production, 12,000 electricity network customers, 1000 district heating customers and 10,000 electricity trading customers.

Electricity network: Responsible for 180 kilometres of electricity network, ensuring safe electricity distribution to almost 12,000 customers.

Electricity production: Produces renewable electricity with solar and hydro power in Örebro and five hydro power plants.

Heating, Cooling and Steam: Supplies district heating to over 1,000 customers and offers district cooling and process steam to local companies and public organisations.

Energy trading: Offers electricity contracts to 10,000 customers, all electricity comes from 100% fossil-free energy sources. In addition, services such as solar cell solutions and charging solutions are provided.

To Linde Energi

Contact Us
Arne Bergvik

Energy strategist

The article was published 12/01 - 2024

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