Implementation of SSG security training, Tekniska Verken in Kiruna

On behalf of Tekniska Verken in Kiruna, we conducted an investigation of existing working methods and processes linked to the organisation's work to ensure a safe working environment on the site. The investigation showed a need to develop a safety training programme for all employees and contractors who are continuously or occasionally on the site. The purpose of the security training is to make everyone who is present or carries out work on the site aware of the procedures and rules that exist and the risks associated with the activities, and to ensure that only authorised persons enter the site with stricter procedures for entry.

After an evaluation of suitable services, the choice fell on implementing SSG (Standard Solutions Group) security training. The implementation work involves coordinating the development of organisation-specific SSG training courses, drawing on the knowledge of key stakeholders in different business areas, and acting as the link between the internal project team and the SSG project team. The work also includes ensuring broad buy-in through a structured communication plan and regular dialogue with stakeholders. 

The expected outcome is a well-functioning safety training system tailored to the specific needs of the organisation, with clear and standardised procedures for both internal and external users. In the longer term, this is expected to contribute to a strengthened safety culture. The implementation is expected to be finalised by the end of Q1 2025.

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Vendela Olsson


The article was published 06/01 - 2025

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