Merger of Skövde Värmeverk and Skövde Elnät

  • Lästid: 1 minut

In order to define the strategic priorities to best achieve the objectives of a merger of Skövde Värmeverk and Skövde Elnät, Sigholm was brought in. The merger posed several challenges, including practical questions about how the financial system should be optimally structured to effectively track costs. It also required the development of a communication plan and materials to manage the change in the market.

From education and analysis to a future-oriented strategic plan

The collaboration included staff training, workshops, analyses and the development of materials to facilitate both implementation and communication. The result was a comprehensive strategic plan, a proposed organisational structure and a clear way forward with a plan for the coming financial year. At the end of the assignment, the client was able to present a well-developed strategy to the owners, a more efficient structure for the financial system for cost calculations and a clear and forward-looking communication to the market and customers.

About Skövde Energi

Skövde Energi was founded on 1 January 2019 as a result of a merger between Skövde Värmeverk and SkövdeNät, resulting in a joint energy company. The company is 100% owned by Skövde Stadshus AB and has a municipal connection.

Contact Us
Viktor Strandgren

Management consultant

The article was published 18/03 - 2020

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