More efficient resource utilisation for increased sustainability, Strängnäs municipality

  • Lästid: 2 minuter


The municipal group's parent company, Strängnäs kommunföretag AB, is expanding and new areas are gradually being added over the years. This has resulted in an increased need for staff to manage external environments. The responsibility for these environments is shared between Strängnäs municipality and Strängnäs Fastighets AB (SFAB). At the time of the assignment, the organisations had two different structures for the execution, where SFAB had hired an external contractor for the maintenance of external environments, while Teknik och Service at the municipality (Strängnäs municipality) has its own staff and resources. To stay ahead and address climate goals, Strängnäs Municipality identified significant potential in creating a more sustainable community by exploring opportunities for improved resource-sharing between the organisations.

Sigholm contributed as an independent party

Sigholm was commissioned to prepare an independent study for this case. The study included a gap analysis between the current state and the desired state. This was carried out to map out what needed to be done to reach the desired state, identify risks and weigh the pros and cons. During the analysis process, people from the different organisations were interviewed to gain a deeper understanding of the situation. The work involved taking responsibility for activity planning and then acting, receiving feedback and revising. In this case, Sigholm was able to contribute with expertise on how operations are managed within Strängnäs Municipality, encompassing both the property company and the municipality itself, as well as their theoretical foundation for managing maintenance and administration within municipalities.

Creating value across all three sustainability aspects

The proposal to share resources creates opportunities for Strängnäs Municipality to progress across all three aspects of sustainability, reflecting ambitions for sustainable growth.

From an ecological perspective, the approach enhances sustainability by optimising the use of on-site staff in urban areas, thereby reducing transport, material usage, and duplicated efforts.

From an economic perspective, the efficient utilisation of tax funds and cost reductions for fuel and materials contribute to financial sustainability.

From a social perspective, the initiative strengthens community ties as residents will recognise the individuals working in their local areas, knowing whom to contact when necessary.

This outcome has provided a deeper understanding of Strängnäs Municipality’s initiatives, affirming that they are heading in the right direction.

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Elin Steinberg

Projektledare & verksamhetsutvecklare

The article was published 01/09 - 2023

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