Property Manager at Svenska Kraftnät

Sigholm was entrusted with the role of property manager for Svenska Kraftnät for a period of time. The role included personnel responsibility for the unit's employees and consultants, responsibility for the agency's leased premises for the approximately 1,000 employees in 5 different locations, as well as some other spaces.

The role also included the ongoing operation of the offices and providing premises and establishments for the future Svenska Kraftnät plans for about 500-800 new hires.

The responsibilities of the Real Estate Unit included: space strategy, interior design and furniture, property management, technical management, physical security with associated guarding, FM and cleaning with associated contractors, and property support.

Ongoing projects in the meantime:

  • Co-utilisation of workplaces from fixed workplaces
  • Relocation project
  • Tenant adaptations of new premises
  • Search for new offices in new locations and studies on the future of premises in established locations
  • Several small construction projects

Ongoing tasks in day-to-day operations included recruitment and ordering of consultants, work environment issues linked to the premises, procurement of suppliers, development of the unit's progress, unit meetings, management team meetings, personnel management, escorting, meetings with property owners, teleworking during the pandemic, return to the offices, continuity management, taking over new premises, etc.

Sigholm has been involved in ensuring that the property unit's work has continued and developed, creating good conditions for the expansion of the enterprise and for the incoming property manager to cope with the task in the short and long term.

The article was published 02/01 - 2023

Om Svenska Kraftnät

Svenska kraftnät är ett statligt affärsverk och fungerar som den systemansvariga myndigheten för kraftsystemet i Sverige. Deras huvudsakliga ansvar inkluderar förvaltning och utveckling av Sveriges transmissionsnät för elektricitet. Utöver detta har Svenska kraftnät rollen som elberedskapsmyndighet, vilket innebär att de är ansvariga för att säkerställa landets beredskap inom elförsörjning.

Mer om Svenska Kraftnät

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