Project Manager for Tenant Improvement, Svenska kraftnät

Svenska kraftnät's operations are growing rapidly and for some time they have needed more business-adapted facilities to meet the increased demand. Svenska kraftnät is running a property development programme to efficiently run tenant improvement projects and to meet the needs that exist. Since February 2022, Sigholm has been entrusted with supporting Svenska kraftnät in their facility management, property development issues and work on the programme.

The project includes project management of several tenant improvement projects and support in the work with and development of the property development programme. The tenant improvement projects relate to tenant adaptation and relocation of existing facilities or new, extension or conversion of existing facilities.

In general, the projects start with a feasibility study in the form of a needs analysis, needs assessment, facility search and rent negotiations. The feasibility study is followed by an implementation project. The implementation projects include establishing the new facilities through planning, internal design and management of purchases, deliveries and installation of own adaptations. Our assignment also includes representation of the tenant, preparation and monitoring of the budget and timetable, and close dialogue and collaboration with the business. The work in projects and programmes is conducted according to the PPS project model.

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Marcus Johansson


The article was published 01/03 - 2023

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