Project Management Norvik Infrastructure CCS East Sweden, Ports of Stockholm

Extensive emission reductions are required for Sweden to meet its climate goals by 2045 and even achieve negative emissions. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is one of several crucial components needed to meet these climate targets. Ports of Stockholm has recognized this and aims to contribute to the value chain to enable the realization of carbon capture in eastern Sweden.

Sigholm takes on the role as project manager for the implementation of a carbon hub at Stockholm Norvik Port. From a logistical, technical, and operational perspective, the port has strong potential to serve as a logistics hub for carbon dioxide in eastern Sweden. As part of the NICE – Norvik Infrastructure CCS East Sweden project, Ports of Stockholm collaborated with Stockholm Exergi, Mälarenergi, Söderenergi, Vattenfall, Heidelberg Materials, Nordkalk, and Plagazi. The result was a feasibility study submitted to the Swedish Energy Agency. The NICE project has contributed to increased knowledge, but further work remains for all stakeholders in the logistics chain to identify the best solutions. Several actors see a hub in Stockholm Norvik Port as an interesting opportunity in this context.

The goal of the continued work is to enable investment decisions for all stakeholders in the value chain. Read more about the NICE project here.


In addition to driving the continuation of the NICE project and establishing a carbon capture hub in Norvik, the role of coordinating project manager also includes:

  • Preparing documentation for internal decision-making processes within Ports of Stockholm and the City of Stockholm
  • Managing processes related to permits, planning, and land acquisition
  • Representing the project in ongoing dialogue with collaboration partners
  • Coordinating various aspects of the project’s implementation
  • Monitoring CCUS developments at local, national, and international levels

Photo: Ports of Stockholm

About Ports of Stockholm

Ports of Stockholm, owned by the City of Stockholm, is one of the world's largest passenger ports and one of Sweden's largest commercial ports. The company owns facilities and properties connected to their port operations in Stockholm, Kapellskär, Nynäshamn and Stockholm Norvik. Each year, approximately 9,000 vessels call at Ports of Stockholm, carrying a total of 9 million tonnes of cargo, which corresponds to an average of 25 vessel calls daily. Additionally, over 30,000 passengers pass through the ports every day.

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The article was published 08/09 - 2024

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