Procurement of a management contract for a housing association

  • Lästid: 2 minuter

Brf Ringen, a large housing association in Västerhaninge outside Stockholm, had changed managers several times in recent years due to inadequate delivery. The board was dissatisfied with the previous management work for several reasons and Sigholm's assignment was to run the procurement process for a new management contract based on the industry standard Aff (Agreement for Property Management)/ABFF15.

The organisation felt that previous managers had probably been forced into agreements that they themselves could not live up to. In order to avoid the same dissatisfaction again, the project chose to use an unconventional method and put the question of contract proposals to the bidders, based on a number of objectives and requirements.

Unconventional but successful procurement method

In order to achieve a long-term partnership and cooperation agreement that met expectations, Sigholm provided advice and up-to-date industry expertise in technical, financial and administrative management. As strategic consultant support and mediator, Sigholm was in contact with the bidders to communicate the needs of the housing association.

Procurement regulations were developed, but contract proposals under the Aff were the responsibility of the bidders. The proposal then formed the basis for the negotiation held by Sigholm. In the spring of 2023, all parties agreed on an arrangement and agreement that matched the housing association well and the board was satisfied with the outcome. Thanks to the flexibility and responsiveness of all parties, the project managed to steer towards the goal and according to schedule.

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Elin Steinberg

Projektledare & verksamhetsutvecklare

The article was published 12/07 - 2023

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