New pricing model for a more stable revenue stream and increased customer satisfaction, Hedemora Energi

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Pricing model that disadvantaged several customer types

Hedemora Energi faced the challenge that their pricing model did not reflect internal costs correctly, which meant that it disadvantaged several customer types. In addition, the structure of the price model led many customers to choose other heating solutions.

Evaluation and implementation of new pricing model

Sigholm was given overall responsibility for the project, which involved validating metering data (customer data), producing a new price list, securing the desired revenue, producing communication material, managing adjustments in the financial system and conducting customer meetings.

Financial stability and increased end-customer understanding

After the implementation of the new price model, the customer received a more stable revenue stream over the year that also matched the internal costs in a better way. Hedemora Energi's end customers experienced an increased understanding of how to work with energy efficiency and which measures were most profitable. The number of lost customers was significantly reduced in the following years.    

After introducing the new pricing model, Hedemora Energi experienced a more even revenue stream over the year, which better matched the external costs. Hedemora Energi's end-customers increased their understanding of energy efficiency, and which measures were most profitable. The number of lost customers decreased significantly in the following years.

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Katja Kononova


The article was published 18/03 - 2020

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