Reorganisation at Borlänge Energi

  • Lästid: 3 minuter

To meet the changing energy market and its consequences, Borlänge Energi identified a need to restructure its organisation. Sigholm was commissioned to lead the reorganisation, which resulted in 5 business areas and 4 support functions.

The importance of flexibility in a changing energy market

Looking ahead to 2030 and the major changes expected in the energy market, Borlänge Energi's CEO assessed that the organisation needed to be reviewed. This is because digitalisation will open up for automation and new services, technological development will lead to both more and larger volumes of alternative power generation, while more energy carriers will break through. In addition, national climate legislation and EU legislation will lead to stricter requirements for transition, while renewable energy sources will increase.

The consequences of these ongoing societal changes mean that all existing players in the energy market face many uncertainties. This is expected to put cost pressure on existing operations, while new technologies will need to be adopted quickly to adapt to the market. With change comes both threats and opportunities for energy companies, but they need to be agile to respond to what is happening in the world around them. Borlänge Energi therefore needed to put in place measures that would both protect existing business while challenging themselves to find new ones.

Reorganisation led by Sigholm 

The assignment involved leading a reorganisation of Borlänge Energi, including all business areas, support functions and subsidiaries.

The assignment included:

  • developing a new standard for how the organisation is structured and what parts it consists of
  • develop proposals for a new organisational structure and the positions it contained
  • developing new job descriptions for the posts that were changed or added
  • drafting documents for each stage of the MBL negotiation
  • developing new principles on how to work with positions, roles and responsibilities, and identifying, implementing and following up on the activities required to implement a successful reorganisation
  • developing communication materials to package messages in the form of a website containing video material, organisational charts, justifications and other visualisations, and a forum where the project members involved from the management team could answer employees' ongoing questions with the support of Sigholm.

The work resulted in an organisation with 271 employees spread across 5 business areas and 4 support functions, which together comprise 150 unique positions. 39 new job descriptions were developed as a basis for the MBL negotiation, where 21 employees were included in a redeployment investigation. All 21 employees accepted the offers of new posts they received.

Contact Us
Viktor Strandgren

Management consultant

The article was published 10/03 - 2022

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