Modernization of generator to meet accessibility goals, Mälarenergi

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A generator in need of modernization to meet availability goals

Since 1963, Generator 2 has been an integral part of Mälarenergi's operations. Over time, however, its original rotor and stator windings had deteriorated significantly. Recently, several breakdowns have occurred and the condition of the generator has not reached the desired availability targets of 90%. Therefore, the modernization project aimed to improve the availability of the generator by the year 2020, reduce maintenance costs and increase the safety of the personnel in Unit 2. Without this necessary modernization, significant material and personal damage was at risk.

The project was organized in three main parts:

  1. Rewinding of generators
  2. Turbine measures and assembly works 
  3. New magnetization

The project manager from Sigholm was responsible for planning, structuring, implementing and evaluating the project.

A technical project with many responsibilities

The modernization of the generator constituted a comprehensive technical project in which we utilized the internal expertise of specialists in relevant fields. Through this collaboration, we were able to successfully ensure the project's outcome.

In this project, we have taken overall responsibility for the coordination and communication between the involved organizations and the project team. We have carried out a comprehensive feasibility study and recommended appropriate technical solutions. Our team effectively managed the procurement and contracting of qualified designers and technical experts. We were responsible for the careful planning, management, control and coordination of the design, ensuring that all reviews were carried out correctly according to the client's specifications. This included ensuring that the contractor prepared and complied with the required control, quality, health and safety and environmental plans. We created tender documents in accordance with the Public Procurement Act (LOU) and managed the contract signing process together with the procurement officer for the necessary procurements. In addition, we were responsible for establishing and following up on plans regarding scope of supply, timeframes, budget, resources, quality and health, safety and environment (HSE). "HMS" in Swedish.

Our responsibilities also extended to maintaining continuous relations with contractors and suppliers to ensure the smooth implementation of the modernization process. We took care of contracting and ensuring the execution of inspections, as well as overseeing the training processes and the subsequent handover to operations. Furthermore, we managed the negotiations with the contractors to ensure the success of the project.

Contact Us
Isabell Stoor

Projektledare & Vd Sigholm Project

The article was published 18/03 - 2020

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