Change of management system for increased opportunities for quality work

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At the beginning of 2024, Sigholm was commissioned to project manage the change of management system for Bodens Energi. For a period of time, they felt that the previous system did not meet the requirements for effective document and process management, which is a crucial part of quality work. Looking to the future, a new, user-friendly system was needed that both supported the organisation's processes and met the requirements of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

The project initially focused on understanding and visualising how Bodens Energi creates value for its customers and how its processes work together to support this. This laid the foundation for a successful transformation.

From mapping to implementation

The project started with a detailed process mapping together with the management team. Together, we identified and documented the organisation's key processes, which became the starting point for creating a system that reflects reality and not just theory. With the involvement of employees, a further 42 processes were mapped, and these became the backbone of the new management system. Furthermore, the system was configured together with the system provider to meet the specific needs of the organisation. Extensive work was done to migrate over 500 documents from the old system to the new one, a process that ensured both continuity and structure. In the autumn of 2024, the system went live and was used by the entire organisation.

Together we were able to create value in terms of:

  • Easier information retrieval

    Employees can now quickly and easily find accurate and relevant information in their daily work, saving time and increasing efficiency.

  • Increased transparency

    Processes have become more transparent, with a clear description of how the organisation is connected and how work is done. This promotes understanding and cooperation within the organisation. In addition, the system supports easier onboarding of new staff.

  • Improved conditions for continuous improvement

    With clear processes and associated governing documents, it is easier to work on continuous improvement, leading to higher quality and efficiency.

  • Better management and development of certifications

    The organisation is now better placed to manage and develop its ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications, strengthening its competitiveness and credibility.

By combining structure, cooperation and commitment, we have not only implemented a new system, but also laid the foundations for a future characterised by quality and continuous development.

Contact Us
Emmy Bergman

Management consultant

The article was published 27/11 - 2024

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