Cooperation for sustainable heating and cost efficiency, Mälarenergi

In an energy market characterised by rapid change and increasing demands for sustainability, district heating and energy companies face the challenge of adapting for the future. Increased volatility and variation, driven by renewable energy, sector coupling, and smarter technologies, require innovative solutions to ensure profitability and efficiency. Additionally, the rules of the biomass market are shifting as more stakeholders compete for valuable carbon resources.

By integrating technologies such as heat pumps, accumulator tanks, CCS, and geothermal energy, as well as optimizing operations and production with digital tools like Aurora by Sigholm, we at Sigholm offer tailored services to address these challenges. Read more below about how we can navigate this transition and strengthen the energy system in an increasingly complex energy sector.

Property owners invest in geothermal heating

As fuel prices continue to rise, property owners are increasingly seeking long-term and sustainable heating solutions. A step in the right direction has been close collaboration with Mälarenergi, where efforts are underway to upgrade the heating systems in seven properties. In areas where district heating is not an option, pellet and oil boilers are now being replaced with energy-efficient geothermal heat systems.

Tailored Solutions

Conditions have varied between the different buildings, requiring customised solutions. A key part of the project has been to not only reduce operating costs, but also to improve fire safety and reduce the need for maintenance. The existing installed capacity totals 500 kW, offering significant savings potential once the transition to geothermal heating is complete.

Following an initial feasibility study conducted by Sigholm to assess the needs of each facility, we have now developed tender documentation and are preparing to move forward with implementation. This groundwork ensures a smooth transition to the new heating technology, providing long-term cost efficiency and sustainability in a time of rising fuel prices.

Contact Us
Carl Svedjelid

Project manager

  • IPMA-certifierad

The article was published 25/09 - 2024

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