Project coordination for the Innovation Fund application

  • Lästid: 2 minuter
If support is needed for large and innovative CCS projects with clear climate benefits, it is possible to apply for support from the EU Innovation Fund.

The application process is extensive and requires detailed customisation according to the call text. On behalf of a client, Sigholm has carried out an assignment to coordinate and produce parts of the documentation for an application to the EU Innovation Fund for a CCS project.

Effective project coordination for the CCS application

While the client obviously has a deep understanding of their CCS project, external support was required to see the application with fresh eyes and detect any gaps or deficiencies in the application documents. In addition, it was necessary to coordinate the work and ensure that the different parts of the application material, written by different experts, harmonised seamlessly. Furthermore, it turned out that some chapters needed to be reworded and supplemented with new information. Sigholm also provided contacts to external specialists to further enhance the application.

Communication and co-operation for success in the application process

The client was clear from the start that the assignment required a lot of time and frequent reviews. Through open and trusting communication between the client and the project manager, it was possible to navigate the project smoothly and quickly. By clarifying from the beginning the great need for availability within a tightly limited time frame, the project could be effectively implemented.

Final delivery ahead of schedule

Despite the complex task of compiling an application to the Innovation Fund, the project was completed several days before the deadline. The key to success was the high commitment of the client's project team and good co-operation. The assignment required flexibility, creativity and focus, creating an inspiring challenge.

EU:s innovationsfond

EU:s innovationsfond representerar ett av de mest omfattande finansieringsprogrammen globalt när det kommer till att demonstrera och främja innovativ teknik som aktivt bekämpar utsläpp av växthusgaser. Fondens huvudsakliga mål är att stödja projekt som framvisar höggradigt innovativa teknologier, processer eller produkter. Dessa måste vara tillräckligt mogna och ha en betydande potential att effektivt minska utsläppen av växthusgaser.

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The article was published 29/08 - 2023

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