Feasibility study on steam delivery at Skövde Energi

  • Lästid: 2 minuter

From a fossil-based solution to a more sustainable and economical alternative

Skövde Energi needed to evaluate whether to enter into a partnership to meet the steam needs of two neighbouring customers. The customers' current solution was fossil-based, and they were seeking to replace it with a sustainable, reliable, and cost-effective alternative. As Skövde Energi had no prior experience in delivering steam to customers, they engaged external support to evaluate the potential partnership. 

Three proposed solutions

Sigholm was involved in the project and carried out a comprehensive feasibility study. This feasibility study generated not one, but three different solution proposals, each accompanied by a detailed technical and economic risk analysis. This thorough groundwork provided the customer with the opportunity to carefully evaluate each proposed option, compare their strengths and weaknesses, and gain insights into the technical limitations associated with their existing facility. 

This feasibility study became a crucial decision-making foundation for the customer, providing them with a deeper understanding of the potential paths forward. The results paved the way for more in-depth negotiations, allowing the focus to shift towards the pricing of steam for the potential customers. By offering a solid basis for the negotiations, the study enabled a more strategic and informed process, ensuring that each step of the project considered the technical, economic, and risk-related factors identified in the feasibility study.

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Isabell Stoor

Projektledare & Vd Sigholm Project

The article was published 18/03 - 2020

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