Safe Shutdowns for Ena Energy

  • Lästid: 2 minuter

ENA Energi AB supplies district heating to companies and private individuals in Enköping. District heating production utilises resources that would otherwise not have been used by using waste wood chips that are recycled at various environmental stations around Mälaren.

Preventing accidents through clear guidelines and effective communication

The work of decommissioning plant parts during shutdowns at Ena Energi was perceived as unsafe, which risked leading to accidents. The company experienced problems where the working method applied was implemented in the form of physical forms which in turn created a lack of clear overview. At the same time, contractors carrying out work on the site were not issued with work permits to take with them on site, which could lead to confusion and lack of clarity.  

Communication between maintenance planners and operations staff was hampered by the lack of clear guidelines for submitting shutdown requests to operations. In addition, there was a lack of a management method for temporary shutdowns, for example for test runs of machinery, and a procedure for the decommissioning of various plant components needed to be established.

Building on existing practices, new methods were developed

New approaches were developed together with designated staff, building on existing practices and the needs identified in an initial analysis. Together, we

  • visualised ongoing suspensions and jobs
  • ensured that needs for cancellations are submitted on time and to the right staff
  • ensured that risk analysis was carried out when planning jobs
  • developed cancellation templates
  • issued copies of work permits to contractors
  • ensured that no cancellations were restored without all work permits being submitted by each contractor.

A safer workplace with better communication

After implementing the approach, the workplace became a safer place for both the client and hired contractors with improved communication between maintenance and operations staff. To maintain the increased safety and time savings, continuous development of the sign-off templates is now also being implemented.

”Initially, the improvement was perceived as complicated and difficult, but thanks to clear instructions and continuity in the safety thinking around safe shutdowns based, among other things, on esa, the understanding became great. The organisation was involved in the whole process, which increased the insight where everyone became aware that it was for our own safety that this ‘complexity’ exists."

- Åsa, former Maintenance Manager, ENA Energy

Contact Us
Viktor Strandgren

Management consultant

The article was published 18/03 - 2020

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