New Work Processes Enhanced System Utilisation at Bodens Energi

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Organisational Restructuring and Development of Work Processes

Bodens Energi AB is a municipally owned CHP company with approximately 100 employees, supplying electricity and district heating to the residents of Boden and the surrounding areas. Since September 2019, Bodens Energi has been collaborating with Sigholm to develop and improve its maintenance processes.

In 2019, Bodens Energi underwent an organisational restructuring and saw an opportunity to enhance its maintenance work processes. Previously, the organisation lacked a structured approach to maintenance and recognised the need for improvements in district heating operations. Long-term planning and preventive maintenance were not prioritised, resulting in frequent reactive measures to address faults. Additionally, there was a need for a more consistent methodology for the maintenance system, as existing practices varied significantly between individuals and departments.

New Work Processes Based on a Realistic Business Perspective

Together, Bodens Energi and Sigholm have developed and implemented work processes that accurately reflect the company's operational reality. These processes encompass both preventive and corrective maintenance for both operations and maintenance teams. The initiative also included customising the maintenance system and providing training on both work methods and system usage. Moreover, training programs and tools for continuous improvement and inventory management have been developed and implemented.

Following implementation and training, Bodens Energi and Sigholm continue to collaborate closely on revising and adapting work processes to further strengthen the adoption of new methods. The goal of clear and standardised processes is to provide employees with well-defined expectations and foster collaboration towards a shared objective. 

The employees at Bodens Energi have demonstrated a strong, positive willingness to embrace change and have quickly adopted the new ways of working. By increasing the utilisation of the maintenance system, they are generating more reliable data, thereby improving traceability and enabling more effective preventive maintenance.

After less than six months, measurable results have been achieved, including a 165% increase in the number of work orders per person and a 100% increase in system usage compared to the same period in 2018. Additionally, recurring preventive maintenance plans have begun to be incorporated into the maintenance system.

The fact that the change comes from within the organisation is key for the change to be accepted and permanent. It is therefore very important to work closely with the staff who are actually affected by the change”. 

- Malin Filipsson, Management consultant

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Malin Filipsson


The article was published 18/03 - 2020

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