Extension of premises as an opportunity for expansion at Mälarenergi

In 2018, construction began on Block 7, Mälarenergi's combined heat and power plant, which has enabled fossil-free heating from 2020 onwards. For this kind of construction to be possible at all, a solid project plan was required to meet all needs and ensure that the processes were followed according to plan.

Sigholm was then commissioned to prepare a needs analysis, feasibility study report, project plan and documents for the conversion and extension of premises that would support the construction of Block 7. The premises that needed to be established were offices, changing rooms, workshops, storage rooms and external areas.

Communication is the basis for a successful project

With extensive experience in community and large-scale projects, we at Sigholm recognise the importance of communication. This is something that permeates all our projects and in which we constantly train ourselves.

In this case, the project manager established a project organisation and was responsible for coordination and communication with clients, operations, safety representatives and stakeholders. The project manager was responsible for, among other things:

  • Reporting to the steering group
  • Defining and planning the project scope
  • Leading staff interviews, workshops and material inventories
  • Preparation of decision-making documents and resource plan
  • Procurement, contracting and management of projectors
  • Establishing and monitoring the project estimate and budget
  • Responsibility for the preparation of project, environmental and work environment risk analyses, etc.

Streamlined approach that helped reduce costs

By now having a unified operation in place, the project can ensure in the long term that the operation has premises where work can take place safely, efficiently and in an environmentally friendly manner. This has contributed to reduced transport and logistics costs, the possibility of improved collaboration between warehouse and production activities and the possibility of achieving Mälarenergi's standard for the business's market conditions and development. The final delivery resulted in the securing of a functioning layout, which led to needs-adapted premises for Elnät, S&E and AO-Värmeproduktion, that the project proceeded according to budget linked to the orientation decision of Mälarenergi and Elnät's board and a smooth and safe move-in according to schedule.

The article was published 18/03 - 2020

About Block 7

Block 7 began operations in 2020 and uses wood waste from both households and industries as fuel in the combustion process. This allows Mälarenergi to produce energy using renewable and recycled resources. Unit 7 has a thermal capacity of 150 MW, with 50 MW used for electricity generation and 100 MW used to generate heat.

Read more about Block 7

Contact us for more information
Isabell Stoor

Projektledare & Vd Sigholm Project

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