Project manager for bio-fuelled steam boiler, Göteborg Energi

Göteborg Energi is planning to build a new biofueled steam boiler, approx. 177 MWt, in connection with the existing Rya CHP plant, located in Energihamnen in Gothenburg's inlet. The investment is part of the green transition where fossil-based production is replaced by renewable energy.

With the ambition to build the plant in record time, the project's focus is on schedule, quality and work environment. This complex project fits in well with Sigholm's brand promise "We optimise the interaction between people, technology and business" and we at Sigholm are very proud to be entrusted with the project management of such an important ambition for the future and to join forces with Göteborg Energi towards a fossil-free society.


The article was published 08/09 - 2023

Om projektet

År 2020 vässade Göteborg Energi klimatambitionerna och beslutade att all fjärrvärme senast vid utgången av 2025 ska baseras på förnybara och återvunna källor. En ny biobränsleeldad ångpanna på Ryaområdet är den viktigaste åtgärden för att nå målet. Nu blir anläggningen verklighet.

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