Feasibility study of BECCS and logistics concept

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Feasibility study and evaluation for logistics concept

Sigholm was entrusted by Gävle Energi and Port of Gävle to work as workshop leader, coordinator and investigator in their feasibility study with funding from the Swedish Energy Agency. The purpose of the feasibility study was to investigate the possibility of separating, liquefying and transporting the carbon dioxide from the Johannes power plant to the Port of Gävle for intermediate storage. Furthermore, the study would also investigate a logistics concept for the Port of Gävle to handle up to 2.6 million tonnes of CO2/year by acting as a collecting hub for more actors in the region and thus accelerate the transition. The work included evaluation of different capture technologies, liquefaction, logistics chain between CHP plant and port, intermediate storage and transport to final storage for Johannes. Subsequently, the port and interim storage were adapted to act as a hub for the larger amount of carbon dioxide

Workshops to identify next steps

Following the feasibility study, a series of workshops were organised to help the project take the next steps from feasibility study to the next project phases. The areas covered were Technical Requirements, Permit & Project Development, Environment & Collaboration and Next Steps. The key was to gather the project group's thoughts and describe the project's need for choices, resources, funding, agreements, division of responsibilities, etc. and how they can look forward to achieve the project's ambitious goals. The outcome of the pre-study provided a deeper understanding and a clearer picture of the scope of the next project steps and what needed to be done as the next step. The workshops were conducted during Q2-Q3 2023.

In order to get an overview, a study was conducted after the workshop series on alternative approaches to project implementation, which became a guiding basis for the steering group to decide on the best approach.


Port of Gävle and Gävle Energi also saw a need to highlight Gävle's potential with its unique location and create curiosity in their networks and among potential customers. In parallel with the workshop series and the feasibility study, Sigholm was therefore commissioned to produce overall communication material for the logistics concept with a focus on highlighting the Port of Gävle's broad potential to act as a region-wide hub for the actors involved.

About Bio-CCS in Gävle

Gävle Energi in collaboration with the Port of Gävle is taking a big step forward in contributing to climate goals and a better world. Just before Christmas 2023, the two municipal companies were awarded a financial grant from the Swedish Energy Agency. They decided to investigate whether it is possible to capture, transport and temporarily store carbon dioxide and to investigate a logistics concept for the Port of Gävle of 2.6 million tonnes of CO2 / year. The logistics concept corresponds to about 5% of Sweden's total carbon dioxide emissions, which is about 50 million tonnes/year

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Rickard Liikamaa


The article was published 17/12 - 2023

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