Within Our Operations
At Sigholm, we have the ambition to minimise our ecological footprint, maintain a pleasant and inclusive workplace and run the business to create long-term economic sustainability..
Together we create the structure, methods and tools to achieve a more sustainable society. Our sustainability work is therefore based on our brand promise - "we optimise the interaction between people, technology and business" which is combined with social, economic and environmental sustainability..
At our company, engineers, data scientists, analysts, management consultants, project managers, energy strategists, and communicators work together as specialists to solve major societal challenges. With a combination of a deep understanding of the client's operations and how technology can be applied for digitization and automation, we take a comprehensive approach to identify the changes that should occur and how they should happen, from both technical and organizational perspectives. This way, we can drive and develop the industry's most important future initiatives and capabilities in the right direction.
Our staff membersWe believe that all organizations and companies need to take responsibility to contribute to a better tomorrow. For us, this means creating innovative solutions and influencing societal development in a positive and sustainable direction. We help companies and entities that want to realize their ideas, dreams, and visions. Together, we create the structure, methods, and tools for your success.
See our reference casesWe strive to promote collaboration between people, technology, and business in societal and energy transition, where people play a central role in development. By starting from the human and its needs, we shape a design process with relevant technology that creates the best solution for the purpose. With the help of technology, the ability to make confident decisions in complex situations is created.
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Den 9-10 april är det dags för Fjärrvärmedagarna, en av årets viktigaste mötesplatser för fjärrvärmebranschen som Energiföretagen Sverige arragerar. Vi kommer att finnas på plats både som utställare och deltagare.
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Den snabba elektrifieringen av samhället ställer höga krav på elnäten att kunna hantera ett alltmer komplext energisystem.
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Vi är stolta att meddela att vi blivit tilldelade titeln "Tillväxtraket 2024". Sigholm är ett av fåtal bolag som har vuxit mer än 30 procent och tilldelas därmed titeln “Tillväxtraket 2024” både på medarbetarsidan samt omsättningssidan. Vi är oerhört stolta över att bli utsedda till årets tillv
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